
Thursday, December 20, 2012

holiday stressin'

Maybe this title is misleading... I'm not feeling stressed about the holidays and all I have to do for them (like still shop for my parents...) but I feel really overwhelmed with all that I've done lately. I used to be a busy bee in high school, barely having time to do my homework, but this first part of being home has been a whirlwind! Doctor's appointments, hair cuts, rehearsals, running errands... This girl needs a break! (Although I did enjoy having a sleep over with my best friend and having dinner with my favorite dance teacher/co-worker/mentor.)

But something else has stressed me out while being at home... and it's the drivers.

NO ONE in South Florida knows how to drive. Or how to drive well for that matter. So I've made a list of what you could expect if you drive in South Florida:

1. No one will use a blinker... EVER.
2. People will ride on your butt
3. People will almost take off your bumper from changing lanes because they were riding so close
4. They won't slow down if someone is slowing down in front of them... they'll just change lanes (thus, making YOU slam on your brakes)
5. Did I mention no one uses blinkers?!
6. You will feel like you're in New York City because of all the honking
7. Pedestrians shmedestrians
8. They will make you never want to drive a car again

But other than trying to drive in Florida (because of these reasons listed above), I have been enjoying my time at home... in the 80 degree heat... soaking up the sun on the beach!

My best friend and I at the beach yesterday! Yes, we went in the water... kinda chilly but worth it!

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