
Thursday, December 6, 2012

Background Story

I've been doing a lot of soul searching lately seeing as how I'm coming up on the end of my senior year in college. What am I going to do? Where am I going to live? How do I find a job that I'm passionate about? I've spent a lot of time thinking about the possibilities that lay before me but also reflecting on where I've been.

For those of you who know me personally, I have always been a dancer. I've danced from the age of four until about twenty and have been teaching and choreographing for the past five years. I started college as a dance major and quickly discovered that my knee injury that I had when I was 10 was creeping back into my life. I was dancing about six days a week, every day at school and on the weekends with my professional company Project 7. I loved it. I had never felt more fulfilled.

But this aching pain kept me out of a few classes and never seemed to be getting better. I eventually changed my major but still danced with my company. 

Soon, it got so bad that I couldn't walk. What? The girl who loves movement so much couldn't stand to even walk. I was completely heartbroken. And what broke me even more was that I had to quit my dance company.

I was also teaching at a studio about an hour and a half away at the time and really enjoyed it, despite the fact that I couldn't move. But, I had to unfortunately leave that job this year because I needed to heal.

So with all of this happening, my "first love" of dance was becoming something that caused me so much pain. I needed to re-evaluate what I was going to do with my life. I have always loved teaching and choreographing and I still do, but I know that in order for me to create, I need to be able to try out the moves on my body first.

So here I am today, contemplating about what God has in store for me, trusting that He will lead me to the path I am called for. And I start thinking... well, maybe I should make a blog. After all, I have been wildly inspired by The Small Things Blog, From My Grey Desk Blog, and Today's Letters. But those gals have such awesome titles. What would my blog be about? What could I name it? 

Then immediately I was brought back to one of my dance friends who gave me a bracelet one time (ya know, the slidey ones where you could add letters?) And on mine it read "It's About Heart." She explained it to me and said that when I dance, I dance from my heart. So whatever I wanted to do in life needed to be done from my heart.

And that's what has lead me here to today. Sittin' on my bed (with finals looming over my head), thinking about how I can find the happiness that I found in dance somewhere else. A daunting task, but I'm up for the challenge!


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