
Monday, January 7, 2013

2013 & God's path

2013. My graduation year. From college. 

I remember thinking in high school how awesome 2009 was because it was "our year"... The year I had waited for so I could finally get away from the town that I had spent my whole life in. I was ready to move to Georgia and start college. I wanted to get away. 

Four years later, I'm not sure I'm feeling the same way. 

I'm really at a crossroads when it comes to my future. Everything is up in the air and, being a someone who loves planning, it's frightening. What am I going to do in May?

But recently, a phrase stopped me in my tracks: you weren't given this talent for nothing. ("this" being my ability to create movement when I hear music) Wow. Talk about God speaking to you... He didn't give me a passion for dance and teaching for no reason. He wants me to use it. I have to.

Then, Sunday at Church, we studied Nehemiah and our pastor told his story and stopped us on one phrase: I am doing a great work and I cannot come down. Meaning that Nehemiah was so focused on his task that he was given that nothing else could distract him. I took this to heart when considering my career path and the development of my business. If this is what God has handed me, I will do it. I will continue. I will give it my full attention and not let anything distract me.

So here's to following the path I was given and hoping for the best!

Oh, by the way, I opened an Etsy shop! Click here to check it out!

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